Chin Aesthetics

The chin is one of the most important determinants of the basic proportions of the face. In classical beauty definitions, the face is analysed in 3 regions: upper 1/3, lower 1/3 and middle 1/3. The chin structure, which constitutes the lower 1/3 of the face, is extremely important in terms of the basic aesthetic fiction and basic proportions of the face. The appearance of the chin is closely related to the aesthetics of the mouth and neck area, especially the lower lip.

The side view of the chin closely affects the side profile of the face, the appearance of the neck and forehead. While a strong chin structure makes the person look healthier and more dynamic, a weak chin structure makes a negative emphasis on facial aesthetics.

In aesthetic jaw surgery, the upper and lower jaw can be moved forward / backward / up / down as a whole or rotated on a circular axis. Only the chin tip can be taken forward or backward, the chin tip can be extended downwards, the chin tip can be reduced by filing. The chin tip can be enlarged with prostheses. It is possible to plump the fat pad at the tip of the chin with various injection treatments. Similar applications can be performed not only on the tip of the chin, but also on the ‘angle’ parts on the sides. Mostly, chin aesthetics can be performed in combination with surgeries that affect the facial profile such as rhinoplasty and neck aesthetics.

For whom is chin aesthetics suitable?

Chin aesthetics; It is a suitable treatment option for patients with developmentally small / large / forward / backward jaw, malocclusion of teeth, excessively narrow or wide jaw angle. During the aging process, the jaw bone and the fat pad at the tip of the jaw shrink. This shrinkage accelerates neck aging. The most commonly used skeletal augmentation procedure in the treatment of the aging face is chin aesthetics.

"Patients with deterioration in the aesthetic proportions of the face due to jaw deformities or deviation from normal are suitable candidates for chin aesthetics."

What are Chin Aesthetic Techniques?

Chin Prosthesis Applications

Chin prosthesis surgeries; It is the common name given to surgeries in which the jaw tip and / or jaw angle is enlarged and improved with synthetic implants (prostheses). Various materials such as silicone, medpor, goretex can be used as chin prosthesis. The prostheses are placed through a 2-3 cm incision made under the chin or through an incision made in the mouth and are usually fixed to the bone with 1-2 small screws. In intraoral applications, since the sutures are in the mouth, there is no visible scar on the skin. In applications performed under the chin, an incision is made on the skin, but this incision remains in the shadow area under the chin and does not attract much attention in daily life.

Chin prosthesis is an approach that we combine more frequently with procedures such as rhinoplasty and neck aesthetics due to its ease of application. It is especially preferred for lengthening and enlarging the chin forward. Since chin tip prostheses can sometimes create a masculine appearance in female patients, it may be necessary to act carefully at the decision stage.

Chin Tip Shift

Jaw tip shift, also known as ‘genioplasty’ surgery, means cutting the bone at the tip of the jaw and changing its location. In this surgery, the tip of the jaw is reached through an incision made through the mouth or under the chin. A horizontal incision is made in the bone at the tip of the jaw. The cut bone can be shifted forwards/downwards/sideways/backwards. It is fixed to its new position with titanium plates/screws. With this technique, the jaw tip can be moved forward by 6-8 mm. The biggest advantage of jaw tip advancement (genioplasty) compared to implant/prosthesis treatment is that it allows the jaw to be advanced and lengthened not only forwards but also slightly downwards.

The chin tip surgery can be designed in the same way and the chin tip bone can be stretched and shortened. In people with very prominent jaw tip bone, this bone can be filed. In these surgeries, we mostly prefer to make incisions through the mouth.

Orthognathic Surgery

In some jaw deformities, there are incompatibilities between the upper and lower jaw in terms of tooth alignment and tooth closure. We call orthognathic surgery operations that correct tooth closure, shift the jaw forward or backward as a whole and thus shape the face. Orthognathic surgeries are complex surgeries that are preferred for cases where the upper or lower jaw is genetically and developmentally forward or backward, long or short relative to each other. In these surgeries, long incisions are typically made in the mouth and the bones are mobilised as a whole and moved forward. After these surgeries, fixations are made with titanium plate screws and often the teeth are attached to each other by means of special wire systems.

Although these surgeries offer the most ideal option in terms of functional as well as aesthetic aspects, their execution and pre/postoperative processes are quite challenging. Orthodontic braces may be required for several years before orthognathic surgery.

Chin Filling

Chin tip deformities may appear in simple forms that do not require surgery or in less serious forms. For example, if there is an age-related decrease in chin tip fat mass, it is possible to restore the volume of the fat pad at the chin tip with hyaluronic acid fillers or fat tissue injections. The jaw line can also be emphasised as a whole with filling applications. We call this application ‘jawline’ filling.

The most important disadvantage of filling treatments is that effective and permanent results cannot be obtained in a single session as in implants.

Synthetic filling treatment needs to be repeated every 6 months to 12 months. When fat injection is preferred, it may be necessary to apply 3 to 4 sessions to get effective results. For this reason, we often prefer chin tip advancement and chin prosthesis to filling techniques in chin tip aesthetics.

Jaw Corner (Angle) Prostheses

It is an aesthetically desirable appearance, especially for male patients, to see the jaw angles when viewed from the front. Faces with narrow jaw angles appear thin and long. The jaw angles of patients who are uncomfortable with this appearance can be widened with jaw angle prostheses. In this approach, a 4-5 centimetre incision is made in the mouth on both sides and the chin angle is reached. A prosthesis suitable for this area is placed on the bone and its position is fixed with two screws. The intraoral incisions are closed with appropriately absorbed sutures. Jaw angle implants can rarely be applied in female patients.

Chin Botulinum Toxin (Masseter Botulinum Toxin)

In some individuals, jaw angles may be excessively enlarged. This condition, which gives a masculine appearance especially to female patients, can be solved with chin botulinum toxin. One or 2 sessions of botulinium toxin application weakens the muscle in that area and reduces the volume of that muscle. Thus, a noticeable thinning can be achieved when viewed from the outside of the face. Chin botulinum toxin application is a procedure performed under clinical conditions and takes 5-10 minutes. 1-3 sessions may be required to achieve the desired effect.

"You can contact Assoc. Dr Ozan Bitik for detailed information about chin aesthetic surgery techniques and to find out which technique is suitable for you."

Recovery after jaw surgery and return to social life

  • Jaw tip surgeries are performed under general anaesthesia and often require overnight hospitalisation. Especially in operations performed inside the mouth, there is no visible scar on the outside. However, it is necessary to pay attention to eating and drinking for a certain period of time until the incision in the mouth heals. Especially after jaw surgery, only liquid food intake is recommended for the first 48 hours. However, soft foods are allowed in the following days.
  • There is a risk of infection in surgeries performed through the mouth. Therefore, the possibility of infection is reduced with combined antibiotic treatments.
  • After jaw tip surgeries, a chin mask is applied to stabilise the implant and reduce oedema.
  • Regardless of the technique, it is possible to take a bath on the first day after chin aesthetic surgery.
  • Postoperative pain is normal and is controlled with oral painkillers.
  • After the first 48 hours, the swelling at the tip of the chin gradually decreases. It is normal to have a masculine appearance especially in female patients due to postoperative swelling, but this appearance regresses to a reasonable level within 3 weeks.
  • Patients can continue their sportive activities from the 6th week.

Treatment Alternatives and Concomitant Procedures in Chin Aesthetics

In structural problems of the chin, especially in anatomical bone problems; Unfortunately, there is no alternative to structural options such as chin tip advancement and implants. We mostly perform these surgeries together with neck lift, face lift, liposuction and rhinoplasty surgeries.

"You can get information about chin aesthetic surgeries and treatment alternatives from a plastic surgery specialist who focuses on facial aesthetics."

Chin Aesthetic Surgery Prices

The fees of applications in the field of chin aesthetics such as chin tip filing, chin filling, fat injection into the chin, chin prosthesis may vary due to individual factors. Each patient's problem is different and the treatment processes will also be different. Two patients with the same problem may not be suitable candidates for the same technique. In some cases, it may be necessary to apply non-surgical aesthetic applications together with chin aesthetic surgeries. Such situations will lead to differentiation of chin aesthetic fees.

If you are looking for an expert plastic surgeon in the field of chin aesthetics in Ankara, Assoc. Dr. You can contact Ozan Bitik and plan your chin aesthetic surgery in a short time after the examination.

You can find answers to the most curious questions about chin aesthetics on Assoc. Dr Ozan Bitik's official blog.

Click, one of the most comprehensive Turkish resources on the internet in the field of facial aesthetics, now and get the information you wonder about facial aesthetic surgeries, especially chin aesthetics.

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